Riparian Areas Planting

During the coming months we will be undertaking some works in and around the gardens of Wallcliffe House, and importantly, along the river bank with the riparian vegetation.

 Riparian Planting

With the help of local plant rehabilitation experts, Cape Life, in the spring of last year, we successfully collected local, provenance seeds from the region. The collected seeds were taken to their facility where specialist processing equipment was used to dry, sort, clean, treat and store them for future propagation. 

 We intend to plant the propagated seeds in the riparian area to increase plant density and diversity and continue to manage weed incursions along the river bank.

 Garden Retaining Walls

Many of the retaining walls throughout the gardens were damaged by the 2011 fire and have been further impacted by weather in the years since. We have received the Shire’s approval to upgrade these walls and stabilise the surrounding grounds.

 Local stonemasons have been engaged to do this work and so there will be increased movement at the site in the coming months.

 This is another step in the journey and we look forward to continuing to share progress with you along the way.


Wallcliffe House Development Application


A progress report